Hair Loss- Can it Be Reversed?




The most common form of hair loss in androgenetic alopecia or commonly known as male pattern baldness. Caused by effects of DHT hormones-a large amount of it- affecting the scalp. Hair follicles begin to shrink and over a period of time, the thinning of hair is visible and eventually hair stops growing. Androgenetic Alopecia is usually inherited from either or both side of the family. There are other types of hair loss, some temporary due to illness and disease and usually the hair grows back after some time.

Almost all men lose their hair in some period of their lives and many believe this is an irreversible process. They stand idly by pretending everything to be okay and they make joke about it. The truth is hair loss can often wreck a man. It shakes his self confidence and this affects his self image. But hair loss is reversible and recent technological advances in this field offers much hope. Medical studies are far from finished in its research on products which will stop hair loss and promote re-growth of “permanent” loss.

Modern medical research has focused on ways to re-open and revitalize “dead” hair follicles, so that hair growth can re-occur naturally, as well as keep the healthy follicles healthy. Thus, a number of products have become available, both by prescription and over-the-counter. They are advertised on radio and television and all over the Internet. One need only do an internet search on hair loss, and there are thousands of sites and products for investigation.

One ingredient in many hair loss products is minoxidil. Studies have shown that in about 80% of the participants, products containing this ingredient are effective in slowing hair loss and, in some cases, re-growth. Probably the most well known is Rogaine which is for both sexes and is available in most drug stores. But the number one product in hair restoration is Provillus.

Provillus is free from harmful and toxic substances. This is unlike many other products that are available. Provillus is made from various natural ingredients that are known to be agents in maintaining a healthy scalp and hair re-growth.

Using a natural hair restoration product eliminates all the potential side effects that come with chemically derived treatments, including sexual side effects. It also ensures that your hair, scalp, and overall health will not be adversely affected. Provillus been rated as the number one hair prevention pill on the market, achieving dramatic effects with ingredients that have been utilized by people all over the world for centuries.

Provillus is available for both men and women, and the treatment is a combination of a topical liquid applied to the balding patches and capsule to be taken in conjunction with the liquid. The critical key to effectiveness, according to its makers, is the addition of the azelaic acid. However, the correct amount of this acid is vital and as with most hair loss products, the makers recommend patience. It may take from 3-6 months before significant improvement can be seen. Its makers offer a a money-back guarantee up to 180 days if one is not satisfied.

About the author of this article:

For more information visit this site on hair loss or Provillus

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Tongkat Ali – 5 Reasons to Purchase

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For those considering Tongkat Ali, it is natural to consider the all-natural herb with a guarded eye. There are literally thousands of natural products that do not perform as advertised. Tongkat Ali Extract is real and will perform as advertised if the product comes from a reliable provider.

By that, I mean a provider that only uses the mature 20-30 year old roots of the tree Eurycoma Longifolia and who uses todayís advanced manufacturing equipment to perfect the extraction process. While the equipment may be great, the harvesting of the root is the key to success. Currently, the roots must be hand-dug in the rain forests of southeast Asia. Your manufacturer must use the traditional harvesting method and the new modernized, efficient extraction method and should be able to offer the extract in capsule, pill, liquid or powdered form.

Put your mind at rest and check out these five reasons to stock up on Tongkat Ali:

1. Testosterone Booster- According to longtime herbal expert and published author, Chris Kilham, who recently appeared on television with the famous Dr. Oz to discuss alternative therapies, testosterone is the most important of all the male sex organs. Testosterone also promotes secondary sex characteristics, libido and appearance. Tongkat Ali Extract has been proven to increase the libido in men and women while enhancing the sexual organs and energizing sexual activity. Erections are firmer and last longer with Tongkat Ali.

2. Helps Body Building – As documented in the British Sports Journal in 2004, Tongkat Ali has proven to produce helpful quantities of adenosine troposphere (ATP). ATP helps determine our energy and vitality levels. According to Kilham in a recent test, half the men used Tongkat Ali Extract and half the men did not. After eight weeks, the men who had used the extract in the physical training program had more muscle mass and more strength than those who did not use the extract. The muscle building capabilities, increased energy and vitality are sound reasons for bodybuilders to use the extract.

3. Tongkat Ali is Safe – As a non-habit forming, all-natural herbal product, Tongkat Ali is extremely safe. The extract has passed both acute and chronic testing. Although helpful for building muscle mass, Tongkat Ali is not a steroid. Side-effects only occur in instances of over-dosage. As each userís requirements are unique, users typically begin with lower intake and work their way to the 1:200 Tongkat Ali Extract level. The immediate side effect one may confront is a slight flush. More significantly, your body will experience an increase in your free testosterone level as well as an increase in your bound testosterone. Other than that, side effects may include restlessness, insomnia and increased energy.

4. Tongkat Ali Extract is Healthy – Men and women become so excited with the sexual effects of the extract that they forget the other health benefits. After all, Tongkat Ali was used as a remedy for malaria, fever, pulmonary disease and heart disease long before the testosterone benefits were discovered. If you need a lift, this powerful herbal extract may just be your best bet.

5. Tongkat Ali as Cancer Cure – The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Malaysian government developed a patent on certain Tongkat Ali compositions to be researched as possible treatments for various cancers. Recently, joint efforts between Japan and the U.S. have undertaken research for other potential uses of the extract.

Want to lighten your step? Do what Dr. Oz and Chris Kilham suggest. Try Tongkat Ali today. You will be glad your did.

About the author of this article:

Want to know more about tongkat ali and how to choose the best tongkat ali extract? Visit now!

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Oriental Eyelids and Plastic Surgery Answers

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Question: I’m a 28 year old Chinese female and dislike my eyelids. My eyelids have always had a flap of skin that hangs down to my lashes. I would like to have the extra skin removed from my lids but am afraid of not looking Chinese to my family. Can you do eyelid plastic surgery and still have a patient look Oriental?

Answer: You ask some very good questions about Oriental eyelids. Please read below and contact me at Orange County Plastic Surgery if you have any further questions concerning this, or any other cosmetic surgery procedure.

First of all, Oriental patients do have different eyelid anatomy than most Caucasian patients. In the typical Oriental type of eyelid patient, the superior palpebral fold (the upper lid fold between the lashes and brow) is absent. This occurs in approximately 50% of Oriental patients and is a genetic feature that is passed on from parents to their children with a dominant gene. The Oriental eyelid without a palpebral fold is often referred to as a “single eyelid”, while an eyelid with a fold is called a “double eyelid”.

Operations designed to construct a superior palpebral fold are becoming more popular in Oriental patients around the globe. This surgery has become commonplace in large cities in the Orient as well as in the United States areas, especially in areas like Orange County containing large Oriental populations. The “single eyelid” occurs because a muscle called the levator palpebrae ends within the substance of the lid, instead of attaching to the top of the cartilage plate in the lid, and is not caused by a skin excess! In such procedures, every attempt is made to create the desired fold but not to alter the general shape of the eye or to destroy the web that many Oriental patients have medially, near the nose. Destroying this epicanthal fold would make a lid look more Caucasian and destroy this important Oriental feature of an eyelid and give the patients and eyelid version of Michael Jackson’s nose – this is to be avoided!

As mentioned, 50% of Orientals lack the palpebral fold, but the other 50% do have such a fold – the Oriental eyelid procedure is designed to create such a fold and still leave the patient looking Oriental. A surgeon doing such surgery should be familiar with the differences between Oriental and Caucasian anatomy. It is possible to get a very good result with this plastic surgery procedure, but as with any cosmetic procedure, it is important to research the options and all potential outcomes. It is also important to communicate with your surgeon about how you would like to look after the surgery and obtain comprehensive pre-procedure and post-procedure information.

If you have any specific questions about the Oriental eyelid, plastic surgery procedure, or any other cosmetic procedure, your best bet would be to see a qualified, board certified plastic surgeon to review your options. A plastic surgeon should be able to work with you to get a result with which you are satisfied!

About the author of this article:

Dr. Juris Bunkis, MD, FACS of Orange County Plastic Surgery is a Harvard trained, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and has 30 yrs of surgical expertise. Call OCPS at 949-888-9700, email your questions to or visit our website for more information.

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