Hair Loss- Can it Be Reversed?
Labels: Reversed
The most common form of hair loss in androgenetic alopecia or commonly known as male pattern baldness. Caused by effects of DHT hormones-a large amount of it- affecting the scalp. Hair follicles begin to shrink and over a period of time, the thinning of hair is visible and eventually hair stops growing. Androgenetic Alopecia is usually inherited from either or both side of the family. There are other types of hair loss, some temporary due to illness and disease and usually the hair grows back after some time.
Almost all men lose their hair in some period of their lives and many believe this is an irreversible process. They stand idly by pretending everything to be okay and they make joke about it. The truth is hair loss can often wreck a man. It shakes his self confidence and this affects his self image. But hair loss is reversible and recent technological advances in this field offers much hope. Medical studies are far from finished in its research on products which will stop hair loss and promote re-growth of “permanent” loss.
Modern medical research has focused on ways to re-open and revitalize “dead” hair follicles, so that hair growth can re-occur naturally, as well as keep the healthy follicles healthy. Thus, a number of products have become available, both by prescription and over-the-counter. They are advertised on radio and television and all over the Internet. One need only do an internet search on hair loss, and there are thousands of sites and products for investigation.
One ingredient in many hair loss products is minoxidil. Studies have shown that in about 80% of the participants, products containing this ingredient are effective in slowing hair loss and, in some cases, re-growth. Probably the most well known is Rogaine which is for both sexes and is available in most drug stores. But the number one product in hair restoration is Provillus.
Provillus is free from harmful and toxic substances. This is unlike many other products that are available. Provillus is made from various natural ingredients that are known to be agents in maintaining a healthy scalp and hair re-growth.
Using a natural hair restoration product eliminates all the potential side effects that come with chemically derived treatments, including sexual side effects. It also ensures that your hair, scalp, and overall health will not be adversely affected. Provillus been rated as the number one hair prevention pill on the market, achieving dramatic effects with ingredients that have been utilized by people all over the world for centuries.
Provillus is available for both men and women, and the treatment is a combination of a topical liquid applied to the balding patches and capsule to be taken in conjunction with the liquid. The critical key to effectiveness, according to its makers, is the addition of the azelaic acid. However, the correct amount of this acid is vital and as with most hair loss products, the makers recommend patience. It may take from 3-6 months before significant improvement can be seen. Its makers offer a a money-back guarantee up to 180 days if one is not satisfied.
About the author of this article:
For more information visit this site on hair loss or Provillus
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