Hips, Bottom, Stomach & Thighs Exercises

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Training at Home

Training with Tanja Baumann - the «Problem Zones» Workout

Miss Fitness Tanja Baumann demonstrates her personal HIPS, BOTTOM, STOMACH AND THIGHS exercises.

The life of Swiss Aerobic Champion and Miss Fitness Switzerland Tanja Baumann (Wädenswil, Zürich), has been totally out of routine in the last few weeks and months.

Appearances at congresses and on TV, fitness studio re-openings, interviews, photo-shoots, articles in the press - everybody wanted something from the successful multi-talent.

But at the same time, the 22-year old has to train regularly to maintain her aerobic fitness level for aerobic top sport.

For example, one of her current goals is to win the Swiss Aerobics Champion Mixed Pairs title at the next Swiss Aerobic Championships, when the Mixed Pairs competition will be held for the first time.

Postscript: Tanja won the 1997 Mixed Pairs, Ladies Solo and Miss Fitness Titles, thus successfully defending her 1996 Ladies Solo and Miss Fitness Titles and adding the Mixed Pairs to her Title collection.

Obviously, Aerobic Instructor Tanja also does a lot of muscle training - ultimately she would like to keep her tight body in shape for many years to come.

For BODY IN SHAPE Magazine, Tanja demonstrates her «Problem Zones» Workout.


Keep a bottle of water handy and sip when you need to.

All routines «must» be carried out slowly to get the best results.

Exercises for Training at Home

These photos demonstrate the end position.

Hips, Bottom & Thighs - Exercise 1 End PositionPlease Don't Forget Your Mat!
Raise your leg slowly, without flexing the upper torso, until your upper body forms a straight line with the thighs. Lower the leg until the knee barely touches the ground. Repeat.
Do the same routine with the other leg.Hips, Bottom & Thighs - Exercise 2 End PositionSo Simple - and So Effective!
Repeatedly lift and lower the pelvis, without using your legs, arms or upper torso.
With each raise, you will feel the muscles working in the entire pelvic area of your body and feel the effectiveness of the exercise!Hips, Bottom & Thighs - Exercise 3 End Position
Leg Pull-up - Crawl Swimming Stroke
Raise and lower your leg slowly, using the buttock and back thigh muscles only. Only a short movement is possible. Afterwards, repeat with the other leg. Keep your waist and stomach flat on the ground - do not raise them!Hips, Bottom & Thighs - Exercise 4 End PositionPlease, Don't Fall Asleep!
Raise and lower the upper leg to just above shoulder height. Repeat with the other leg. You can increase the resistance with ankle weights.

Exercises for Training in a Fitness Studio

Strong and taut abdominal muscles look attractive and are essential for good posture and body alignment - by the way, they look great on men too!

Of course, your training efforts will be worth even more if the fat pads are reduced at the same time, so that your newly trained belly muscles can be seen...

Tanja says: you must avoid a hollow back and never pull with the hands on your head.

Carry out as many repetitions as you possibly can - then take a short break.

After your break, proceed with the same routine or change to another belly exercise and take it from there.

These photos demonstrate the end position.

Stomach - Exercise 1 End PositionPut Some Fire in Your Tummy
Flat on your back, feet slightly apart, in line with the hips:
Gently raise your upper body, pushing forward with the arms and consciously flexing the stomach muscles.
Then back again.Stomach - Exercise 2 End PositionFor a Slim Waist
Flat on your back, feet slightly apart,
approximately in line with the hips:
Pull your shoulder diagonally toward the opposite knee.
Alternate the movement with the other side of your body.Stomach - Exercise 3 End PositionOne for the Advanced Levels!
Flat on your back, legs raised and closed:
Simultaneously raise and lower your shoulders and pelvis.
Not easy to execute, but very effective!Stomach - Exercise 4 End PositionYour Lower Stomach Area Will Thank You...
Flat on your back, legs raised and closed:
Lift your pelvis, ensuring that the legs pull straight upward, not behind you.

A firm backside gets numerous admiring looks.

But: nothing ventured, nothing gained, so Top Sport Athlete Tanja attaches great importance to regular bottom training.

As you can see, with great success...

These exercises all require 20 to 25 repetitions for optimum results.

If you have nothing against some muscle growth:
Add as much weight to Tanja's Secret Tip (Routine no. 2) and the Leg Press (Routine no. 3) so that no more than 10 to 12 repetitions are possible.

These photos demonstrate the exercise opening position on the left of the explanatory text and the exercise end position on the right of the text.

Hips, Bottom and Thighs - Exercise 1 Opening PositionHips, Bottom and Thighs - Exercise 1 End PositionTruly Feminine...
Keep your body straight and upright.
Pull the stretching leg with your buttock muscle slowly to the rear.
Avoid a hollow back and any other movements.Hips, Bottom and Thighs - Exercise 2 Opening PositionHips, Bottom and Thighs - Exercise 2 End PositionTanja's Secret Tip...
Move one leg to the rear till the other thigh is approximately horizontal.
Alternate left, right, left... Do with or without weight, depending on your strength.
This exercise also shapes and tones the leg muscles.Hips, Bottom and Thighs - Exercise 3 Opening PositionHips, Bottom and Thighs - Exercise 3 End Position
Now We Work the Thighs
Feet positioned at shoulder breadth and pointing slightly outward.
Press till the legs are almost stretched, then back again.

This zone causes a lot of concern among women.

Regular training increases the muscle tension, which results in a visible improvement in body shape.

You will get the best results with 20 to 25 repetitions.

Select an appropriate weight for your fitness level.

Outer Thigh - Exercise Opening PositionEnd
Outer Thigh - Exercise End Position
Looks Easy - However...
Do not use too much weight and exercise with slow,
concentrated and controlled movements.

Trained inner thighs give your legs a beautiful shape and make the legs appear slim.

Inner Thigh - Exercise Opening PositionEnd
Inner Thigh - Exercise End Position
Unusual, But Very Effective!
You can only make a short movement with this exercise.
Use little weight and carry out slowly.

Not sure where or how to start getting in better shape?

Start at home with my coaching and guidance -
View the fitness facts about DVD IN SHAPE:

Concept, Text & Exercises: © Tanja Baumann | First published: © BODY IN SHAPE Magazine, March / April / May 1/97 Nr. 35, Photos: Hans Hadorn | Translation & Adaptation: John Aarsen

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The Politics of Health - Being Proactive Vs Reactive

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Reactive Health Care Costs Far More Than Proactive Lifestyle Changes
It truly is a shame that we continue to have a fight each and every year over health care costs without ever really getting to the root of the problem, our actual health! I don't believe any semi-sane person would argue that better overall health and wellness in society would not actually lead to lower health care costs, both short-term and long-term. Yet, like so many other things, we have become almost completely reactive in how we deal with these issues, both our health and our health care.

Now, don't worry, I have no intentions on talking politics here. I know for a fact I would have half of the two friends I have now if I told everyone what they needed to hear about our political system and the ideologies that are quickly ruining our ability to prevail as a country, so I intentionally shy away from that conversation. I will say this as it relates to both health and politics; extremes are NEVER the answer!

By now, we should all realize that we are going to pay for health one way or the other, today or tomorrow! How and when is completely up to us individually. Nothing is more frustrating for someone like myself than to hear the complaints or rising health care costs from the person who eats McDonald's six times a week or feeds their children Fruit Loops every morning for breakfast! These individuals simply haven't thought things through and unfortunately, find it easier to blame others or the "system" than to look in the mirror and make some changes in their and/or their families eating habits! The fact is it's far more expensive and uncomfortable to pay for health tomorrow, in a reactive state, then it is to be proactive with good, simple fitness and nutrition, for individuals and families alike.

Ever wonder why we now have nearly 30% of our children actually nearing obesity and dealing with diabetes? It's not government's fault and it certainly isn't the health care industries fault either! I know, for many, that is a tough look in the mirror, but, it is one that any caring parent should be willing to make if your child falls into that category!

Did you know that nearly 65% of all illness can be avoided with proper nutrition, including some forms of cancer? The number of children suffering from obesity due to underlying genetic issues is truly limited, so please, do not allow yourself to fall into that excuse trap either.

To be quite honest, I'm not that smart, but even I can figure this vicious cycle out! Consider this in it's simplicity...doctors make more money by prescribing medications in a reactive approach because insurance covers the cost of the extremely overpriced medications that make pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars every year. The ever-increasing prescription rate has a direct effect on society and the insurance premiums we pay on a whole, whether we are using prescription medications or not.

The reverse of this equation doesn't quite create the income potential for doctors. You see, good nutrition, with or without supplemental nutritional solutions, is not covered by insurance, therefore doctors income, should they recommend or even discuss sound nutrition with patients is substantially diminished. I'm a simple person, but this is the system we have created and it is quite easy to understand why it continues!

Now, couple this with the fact that good nutrition simply is not "sexy", and in most people's opinions, tedious to achieve, and you have an unfortunate cycle that creates a significantly more and more unhealthy society each and every year, while the pharmaceutical industry continues to add to their bottom line!

Almost every one of us can "afford" to fill in our nutritional gaps with just some small changes to our daily diet and lifestyle! It should never be an additional cost, money or time, but merely a reallocation of priority. One which anyone can make work with the plan and support!

Don't make excuses for yourself or your family! When all is said and done, bettering your health and wellness comes down to nothing more than a decision. The level of importance you place on your personal or families well-being now, will absolutely have a direct impact on the costs and discomfort you, or they, live with for years to come.

Lastly, let me clear about this as well! Please don't leave your health and wellness to chance by expecting or assuming your doctor is going to give you all the answers either....they DO NOT have them! They are NOT well versed in nutrition! As scary as that may be, it is the truth! Don't believe me, try and have a deep conversation about nutrition with your family physician! Guaranteed, you will be shocked with the limited input you receive!

As always, make a decision, set your priorities and DO YOUR HOMEWORK!

Jason Horsley is the President, Elite Lifestyle Solutions and a fitness fanatic! With nearly 20 years in and around the industry, his combination of knowledge and passion are without equal. If you have any desire at all to better the way you look, feel or perform, take a moment to stop by http://www.theadvocarelifestyle.com/ to learn more about how they are Building Champions and Changing Lives Daily or the 24 Day Challenge itself! The wealth of information alone will make it well worth your while and if you have any questions at all, drop Jason an email while you are there. Each one is answered by him personally!

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Fitness Tip: Don't Drink Alcohol!

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Tanja Baumann Fitness Tip - Don't Drink Alcohol!

Fitness Tips for a
Healthy Lifestyle

Although I personally do not drink alcohol at all, I have nothing against anyone enjoying it in moderation.

During many festive occasions, especially the Christmas and New Year holiday season, you'll often see rivers of alcohol flowing - without any of the party guests being fully aware or conscious of the fact.

After the festivities, usually at the beginning of January, many people make a resolution to improve their health and fitness by leading a more healthy lifestyle.

Keep your hands - consciously! - off the aperitif before you eat, cancel the red wine with your main course and avoid the brandy after you've eaten - just enjoy the coffee!

Have the courage, calmly and without making a fuss about it, to do without alcoholic drinks at intoxicated parties and sip a light Cola instead or - what about a glass of milk?

Actually, why not? Do you really need alcohol to enjoy a party?

Don't Touch the Booze!

When, despite all your good intentions, you feel that irresistible tingling in your fingers to enjoy what you like - it's okay!

Enjoy your drinks for their flavour, not for quick intoxication.

I don't always have myself in control too, particularly if there's some chocolate lying nearby.

Tanja Baumann - My Fitness Tip

I can easily put away three trays of chocolate in one session.

So long as this only happens every few months, I don't have a problem with it and I don't suffer from a guilty conscience either.

But, if the grip of sweets, cigarettes or alcohol on you has become excessive - a possible addiction - or you (over)indulge too regularly because it's become a habit:

Stop it Now!

Stop it Now!

Not sure where or how to start getting in better shape?

Start at home with my coaching and guidance -
View the fitness facts about DVD IN SHAPE:

Text: © Tanja Baumann | First published: © Sport Inside Magazine No. 6, December/January 1997 | Photos: Coni Altherr | Translation & Adaptation: John Aarsen

View the original article here

Book Review<br> <I>Conquer the Fat-Loss Code</I>

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I'll begin with a caveat: I'm late to the "fat-loss code" game. My radar isn't fine-tuned to the next new thing in the diet world. I have read quite a few books on diet and nutrition over the years -- perhaps that's why I've become somewhat suspicious of them. Having never seen her first one, I decided to explore Wendy Chant's second diet book, Conquer the Fat-Loss Code, because I happened to stumble upon it, and it really did strike me as different from typical books in the category. When it comes to books on losing weight, that alone makes it stand out.

When I say it seemed different, I don't mean just at first glance. Every diet plan attempts to differentiate itself -- why else would anyone pick it up? However, most diet books follow a fairly straightforward formula: Promise an innovative new approach; persuade the reader that this time it's going work; present the plan.

What's Wrong With This Picture

The new approach section is usually the most interesting in any diet book. That's where you get the rational explanation for why everything before has failed, but this time, you're holding the key to success in your hands.

The persuasive section gives you an injection of emotional confidence to layer on top of all that good information. Depending on the skill of the author, you either become drawn in or feel the whiff of a used-car salesman. This is usually the make-it-or-break-it part of a diet book.

Then comes the actual plan. For chronic dieters, this section tends to be a big, fat disappointment. Most plans are the same. Boiled down to their essential elements, most are calorie-restriction diets accompanied by tired advice about exercise. Sometimes there are some diagrams of really fit cartoon people doing squats and such.


These plans work, as any dieter will tell you -- up to a point. Typically, there's a lot of water loss in the initial days of the diet. Then there's some actual weight loss. Then the dieter hits a plateau, and the weight-loss grinds to a halt. The dieter becomes frustrated and gives up. The weight piles back on. It keeps piling on. The dieter's body has gone through a famine, and it's determined to protect itself for the next one that comes along. It layers on the fat, and the unhappy dieter ends up heavier than before.

Some Causes for Skepticism

I turned to Wendy Chant's diet plan before reading the book, because I didn't want to waste my time. What I saw there was something that really did seem different. Weird, but not in a goofy way. More like in a good weird-science way.

Since I'm not a nutritionist, I can't actually vouch for the science underlying Chant's plan, but what struck me was that it addresses the body's tendency to adapt, and it does so in several different ways. All of them have to do with tricking your metabolism so that it doesn't go into starvation mode/fat storage cycling.

Chant's plan seemed ridiculously complicated to me at first glance, and I've got to say, there are foods in it I normally would not consume or recommend (e.g., artificially flavored and sweetened products).

It can be very repetitive. I would never want to eat turkey three times in one day. I don't understand why Chant considers that a good idea, but whatever.

Some of the recipes strike me as gross: to wit, "egg poppers," which are basically cold, hard-boiled egg whites. Yuck. Way too many egg whites in this program, period, if you ask me. Double yuck.

Still, I thought there was something intriguing about the plan, and the book made sense to me in a way that didn't make me feel I was being verbally assaulted by a diet huckster -- so I decided to suggest it to my sister, who was in the market for something new and different in the way of a diet plan.

A New Hope

After years of yo-yo dieting, my sister had given up on dieting altogether -- but not on wanting to lose weight. Wendy Chant's program seemed less like a diet and more like a strategy to me, so I called my sister, and we brainstormed about it.

After reading the book herself, she was game to try it -- or at least, a version of it. Her version broke a lot of Chant's rules -- but considering that they're more or less offered as guidelines, not rules, we both thought that seemed OK.

Number one, she gave herself a real cheat day once a week, as opposed to what I would consider the program's weekly "indulgent" day. For my sister, Saturday wasn't about splurging on a dessert or a glass of wine -- she decided to eat whatever she pleased, all day long, and wash it down with an entire bottle of wine if the spirit moved her. She reported that her first cheat day was a gorge-fest, but after seeing what that did to her progress on the scales, she found she could self-regulate and be more or less measured on her subsequent cheat days. She says it's her own personal learning curve.

Number two, she quickly gave up on the exercise plan, and I fully supported that decision. Not that I'm opposed to exercise -- far from it. I just don't think anyone should have to follow a specific diet plan AND a specific exercise plan at the same time. I say, step up your activity with things you enjoy, or put off the exercise part until later -- after you've lost a few pounds and you understand how the diet works, and you're ready to crank things up to the next level.

Number three, she substituted like crazy. She made sure she was substituting a food of similar value -- e.g., chicken or fish for turkey, green beans for asparagus, etc. She just didn't want to go into obsession mode, thinking she had to run out to the supermarket if she didn't have exactly what the plan called for on hand.

Number four, she didn't eat everything. Said she just couldn't. I think eating more frequently is something worth shooting for, but five or six times a day is tough to fit into any schedule, so I sympathize. I don't think I would be in the mood for a Crystal Light protein powder "shake" or a handful of egg whites before bedtime either.

My sister says she stuck to the spirit of Chant's plan, if not the letter, and the reason I'm enthusiastic enough to highly recommend this book -- yes, indeed, I do HIGHLY RECOMMEND it -- is that her experience has so far borne out my expectations.

Qualified Success, Unqualified Optimism

You'll have to look at the plan yourself to really understand what I'm getting at -- I still think it's terrifically complicated, but I now believe it has to be. It seems that alternating the types of food you eat according to this program can trick your body into metabolizing food more efficiently. It's not just about calories in and calories burned, folks. It really isn't.

My sister's results? A steady loss of 2 1/2 lbs. per week for five weeks, which I consider a healthy and sustainable weight loss. She has three more weeks to go on her version of Wendy Chant's eight-week plan, and says if she drops another 7 1/2 lbs., she'll be delighted.

Then you can keep watching this space for updates to see if my sister succeeds at adapting the program further so that it can become a lifestyle that lets her keep the weight off. As everyone who's ever dieted before knows -- that's really the trick.

One more thing: Although I was unimpressed by many of the recipes in this book, I tried several, and some of them are quite good. You really should try the fake French toast. Strange, but tasty.

My sister and I are both hoping Wendy Chant really is marching to a different dietary drummer. Join the discussion! Send your comments to Daily News Central.

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Protecting Yourself From Cell Phone EMFs The Easy Way

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We all know that cell phones tend to get warm... even hot... when in use. And this phenomenon has led many to ask if the energy being emitted from these devices might be doing us harm. There's no question that these devices emit heavy doses of radio signals and electromagnetic fields (or EMFs). But the jury is still out on whether we're "cooking our brains" with EMFs from our cell phones. So... what to do about this need for EMF protection: Give up the phone? Wrap our heads in tin foil??

There's a very simple answer to this problem. Get a Bluetooth headset!

Bluetooth headsets have been available for many years now. They range in price from $10 to $200. But even most of the cheap ones work fine. Most wireless phones are able to utilize Bluetooth technology now, so compability is rarely an issue... and you'll generally find that setup takes less than two minutes (of course, you'll want to charge up the headset first, lest you experience a VERY short first conversation!). Most of the headsets allow you to completely control the phone call, from start to finish, without once touching the phone (many including volume adjustment and mute controls).

And of course, Bluetooth headsets (because they themselves are wireless devices) free you up not only from those "hot" little wireless handsets, but also from connecting cables... so you can carry on a snag-free conversation while driving, with your head free to swivel as needed to keep an eye on traffic conditions around you. So you're swapping out a tiny little earpiece in your ear... which emits a signal designed to travel just a few feet to your wireless phone... for a wireless phone that is designed to pump out a signal strong enough to reach cell towers miles away! What's not to love?

With advances in both wireless phone (especially smartphones) and Bluetooth technology, the headsets are less expensive and more full-featured than ever. You can find a great selection on Amazon (along with customer reviews based on their personal experiences) or many other online retailers. You'll have some decisions to make about whether or not you want one with a little boom microphone that you can move down toward your mouth... and whether you prefer in-ear or outer-ear models. Some are more durable than others, and some have better range than others. It all depends on your individual needs and personal tastes... as well as your budget!

So, make yourself a better "on-the-phone driver" and get a great EMF protection device at the same time, with a Bluetooth headset.

Joseph Schnauert is the webmaster of EMFprotectionscam.com, which can help open your eyes to what is often an EMF protection scam, and help serve as your guide to the occasional legitimate EMF protection device as well.

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Fibro Fog: 5 Tips to Help Fibro Fog and Regain Control Over Your Life

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Fibro Fog is a very real and frustrating Fibromyalgia Symptom. It is a state of mental confusion and memory loss that many people with Fibromyalgia experience at some point. Fibro Fog can be aggravated by a variety of factors such as hormonal fluctuations, sleep disturbances, stress, depression, or over-exertion.

Some examples are walking into a room and forgetting why you went there or when a word is on the tip of your tongue. While there isn't a cure of Fibro Fog, I am going to share some tips with you on how to successfully manage it.

How to Manage Fibro Fog

Write Everything Down:

I used to carry a pad of paper and a pen in my purse and had sticky notes everywhere. I now use my iphone as my reminder database. Keeping notes is important because it helps you to remember to do things and it reduces your overall anxiety connected to your forgetfulness.

I keep to do lists on my iphone notepad reminding me of things I need to do. I also make appointments in my phone calendar with an auto reminder. My calender doesn't look like everyone elses. In addition to reminding me of appointments; my calendar reminds me to pay bills, call friends I haven't talked to in a while, or give a heartworm pill to my dog.

Treat Your Symptoms:

Fibro Fog gets worse when your Fibromyalgia Symptoms flare. I experienced debilitating Fibro Fog when I was sleep deprived. I had trouble finding the right words to say and would get lost while driving. Once I got my sleep deprivation under control, my Fibro Fog became much better.

Get a GPS:

One of the things people with Fibro Fog have difficulty with is driving. I get lost driving on roads that I drive on every day! The easiest way to deal with that is by purchasing a GPS. A new GPS will literally talk you through where you are going. Don't be stubborn because you should remember the roads and shouldn't have to buy a GPS. You shouldn't be cursed with Fibromyalgia but you are. Make your life easier. Let the anger go and take the easy way with this one.

Get Active:

Exercise is an important component to getting better. It also helps to clear you head. Not sure where to start? Read my Ezine article about 10 exercises for Fibromyalgia.

Get Mentally Active:

Did you know you can work out your brain like you work out your muscles? It's time to start giving your brain a work out. Start doing cross word puzzles and word finds. Start playing words with friends or take on your kids in a weekend game of Scrabble.

Other great ways to keep your brain in shape is to turn off your tv and start reading. TV is a passive hobby, you need a mentally active one. Keep a journal, start writing poetry. Do something that requires you to think. Your brain will thank you for it!

Margo is a 32 year old who has dealt with Fibromyalgia for most of her life. Through years of trial and error, she developed a program that has helped her to overcome the pain and other symptoms related to this condition. Her website http://helpingfibromyalgia.com/ is dedicated to the At Home Self Treatment of Fibromyalgia, a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain. We have tips to feeling better that include, diet changes, medications, alternative therapies, conventional therapies, Stroga stretching videos and more.

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Pro-Biotics Benefit Us All - Including Athletes

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We are full of bacteria. This is the same bacteria we avoid with anti-bacterial soap; the same bacteria found on counter tops; the same bacteria found in yogurt. Some types of bacteria are kind to our bodies; others are not so kind.

This is a numbers game. The good bacteria attack the bad bacteria. This decreases the amount of bad bacteria, keeping our digestive system balanced and healthy. If the bad bacteria outnumber the good bacteria, then the good bacteria are destroyed. Consequently, yeast and more bad bacteria are produced, resulting in dysbiosis of the intestine.

Depletion in good bacteria, leading to dysbiosis, can be caused by a number of factors. Poor diet is the leading cause. The computer phrase GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) applies handily to this situation. A bad diet leads to bad digestion, leading to some unpleasant conditions, such as yeast infection or irritable bowel syndrome.

Biotic means life. The good bacteria in our intestines are called pro-biotics. They're good for our health. Mainly at work in the large intestine, they regulate digestion.

Pre-biotics, as their name implies, work before life, or in the early stages of bacteria development. They feed and encourage bacteria growth in the small intestine, so it can perform in the large intestine.

Anti-biotics are used to treat bad biotics in our body. Anti-biotics kill life-good life included. Therefore an anti-biotic barrage on your system will knock out your pro- and pre-biotics, as well as the bad bacteria that caused the illness in the first place. This is a fine way to develop dysbiosis.

To treat bacterial imbalance, add pro-biotics and pre-biotics to your diet. Both are most effective when consumed in yogurt, sauerkraut, or other fermented foods. Both can be added to your diet as a supplement. Supplements containing pre- and pro-biotics in tandem are called syn-biotics. These syn-biotics combine the two in a symbiotic relationship benefiting our body. The effect becomes greater due to the supportive relationship of pre-biotics and pro-biotics.

We have a delicate check-and-balance system regulating our metabolic processes. One might assume that pro-biotics could give an athlete a competitive edge, but that's not completely true. Pro-biotic supplements have not been proven to increase performance in a healthy athlete. Injured or chronically exhausted athletes recover slightly more quickly with pro-biotic supplements, but so do non-athletes.

The body athletic will benefit kindly from pro-biotic supplements because a healthy body will respond more adeptly to the demands placed upon it. Other than that, the benefits are the same as for any person and do not favour an athlete.

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Increasing Your Energy Naturally

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Increasing your energy levels naturally is something that a lot of people are wondering how to do. Especially these days, there are more people dealing with stressful situations, trying to keep up with their fast-paced lives, and struggling throughout the process to keep their energy up.

If you're reading this article, you probably have some curiosity about how to reduce fatigue and bring your energy back to snuff. I'm sure you've noticed your grocery store stocked with many different energy drinks or shots, filled with stimulants like caffeine, sugar, guarana, and taurine. While this is one way to go about getting an extra boost, it won't solve the problem in the long run. Putting extra oil in a leaky engine may be a temporary fix, but to really get your energy back you'll have to go deeper and take care of the underlying issues.

So what causes a lack of energy? In your body, there are two organs that are directly involved in energy production - one being your adrenal glands, and the other is your thyroid. The adrenal glands are responsible for releasing hormones in response to stress, while the thyroid is in charge of keeping your metabolism up. Both of these organs can become overworked, and after time, they will stop functioning effectively.

Though there may be some who have a health condition that predisposes them to fatigue, chronic stress is probably the most common factor in people with low energy levels. In response to too much stress, both your adrenal glands and thyroid can become exhausted, leaving you without enough of the hormones your body needs to produce energy. So obviously, doing what you can to balance your stress levels is going to play a huge part in getting your energy back.

While it may not be possible to eliminate stress from your life, trying to take time to relax and do things you enjoy, and noticing when you are getting overly stressed so that you can stop it from getting out of hand can help greatly increase your energy, not to mention your quality of life.

Other factors may come into play as well. Eating a healthy and balanced diet, avoiding too many calories, and having regular meals throughout the day makes sure that your body is getting the proper intake it needs to make energy.

Exercising regularly - at least 3 times per week - makes a big difference in maintaining a healthy metabolism, and protects your body from that fatigue which can come from too sedentary a lifestyle. It is helpful to find a form of exercise you enjoy - it doesn't have to be strenuous, even walking is enough to make a big difference.

Also, getting a good night's sleep is crucial. This is more of a challenge for some people than others, but a few examples of things that can help are avoiding any caffeine intake later on in the day, and avoiding stimulating activities late in the evening. Try to use your evenings to wind down, doing something relaxing or enjoyable rather than letting the stress of the day carry on.

Finally, increasing your energy also involves how you use your energy. Are you using it only to take care of stressful responsibilities and work? Are you remembering to burn those calories just playing around once in a while? Everyone has fun or challenging things they like to do outside of the sphere of work and stress, so get out there and have some fun.

These are some basic things you can incorporate into your life to improve your energy levels. They are very simple, but they get down to the crux of the matter which is taking good care of your body. If your body is happy, then so are you, and you will find your energy levels increasing because of it.

Dr. Petersen is a naturopathic doctor living in San Diego, CA.
For a free eBook on increasing your energy levels, go to http://www.getenergynaturally.com/

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7 Commandments for Endurance Athletes

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When it comes to endurance events, everyone prepares a little differently, has their favorite recovery products and unique twists and turns. Here are some universal truths.

1. Prepare for the event. This one is obvious... for most but not all. I am amazed when I hear that someone is doing a major event like a half marathon or greater and is ill prepared or take a whole month or 2 to get ready. This is the ultimate act of both foolishness and selfishness.

If you are not prepared, don't go. Even if you do make it, the toll that is will have on your body in terms of inflammation is tremendous. If you are young, you may get away with it... for a while. If you are a little older, it will catch up to you soon. In EVERY event, the bill will eventually be due.

If you are going with a friend or a group, show some respect for them. If you don't finish you not only ruin it for yourself, but for others as well. Endurance events are a tremendous teaching tool. One of the lessons is "Respect others. Don't be selfish."

Another one is even more clear....Be Prepared!

2. Recover. It is easy to skip this one, particularly after an event. The adrenaline is flowing and it is hard to calm down. You finish and immediately (alright maybe a day later) want to jump back on the bike or hit the road and go longer, faster, quicker etc. Don't. Recover first.

Fatigue in the legs is fairly easy to recover from. Cardiovascular fatigue is not. You can easily tell the difference.

"My legs are so sore and have no zip to them." This is muscular fatigue.

"My legs feel fine but I have no (overall) energy." This is cardio fatigue.

Almost all of the time, it is cardio fatigue. This is where over training (which is really under resting) and injuries make their appearance. When the body, particularly the heart is overworked, it is highly susceptible to illness and injury.

3. Eat properly before event. For most people, a 70/30 split is ideal; that is, 70% of the food intake should be carbohydrates and 30% should be proteins and fats. There should be very little fiber, particularly if the endurance event last longer than 2 hours.

Carbohydrates will provide the fuel for the body. Protein assists the body in repair and fats are a long term energy source.

4. Eat properly after the event. This is when the ratio should be switched. Proteins are needed to rebuild and regenerate. Ideally, fish is the best post-event food and it contains anti-inflammatory oil to assist the body to clear the massive inflammation that is present cellularly, due to hour of constant pounding.

How you eat after the event often dictates how the NEXT event or next blocks of training will go. Eat poorly and recovery will be slow. Eat ideally and the body knows how to bounce back, given the proper fuel.

5. Strength training is a must. If you just do endurance training (Ex/ running, biking, swimming) a multitude of issue can occur. Injuries due to repetitive motion and/or muscular imbalance is at the top of the list. Poor performance is a close second.

For women, it gets even more serious. Due to inherent hormonal complications, women must be aware of osteoporosis risks. The bad news is that it is difficult to treat. The great news is that is it easily preventable. The best prevention method is weight bearing exercise. (Reducing sugar is number 2, while increasing mineral intake is third.)

The method that I have found most effective is the 3/5 method; that is, do 3-5 types of exercise, 3-5 repetitions of each, 3-5 sets with 3-5 minutes of rest in between. Your total workout is never more than 45 minutes and usually wraps up around the half hour mark.

The key is that one must use heavy weights. Doing 5 pounds, 20 times of any exercise is a waste of energy. In fact, it leads to a bloated look and feel. (Glucose goes to the muscle that is being used. Water follows glucose. Thus the bloated look and feel.)

Using heavy weights will add to strength, reduce injury and all but eliminate osteoporosis risks.

6. Reduce inflammation. This is the star. If you do only one of the 9, do this one. (Do them all however!)

Even standard medicine is recognizing the dangers of systemic inflammation (meaning inflammation that occurs throughout the whole body). Horrible diseases such as Alzheimer's is now being viewed as an inflammatory-based disease.

Movement creates inflammation and movement that lasts for hours such as a marathon or IronMan, creates massive inflammation. The body views this as "heat" which causes cellular, muscular and joint damage if left untreated so to speak.

Arguably the best natural anti inflammatory substance is pharmaceutical grade fish oil*. More than any other substance, fish oil being cool in nature, assists the body in removing the "heat" or inflammatory. Add L-Glutamine and Hgh Plus to the mix and your recovery time will be reduced dramatically.

7. Be Truthful. If you are unwilling to put the time in and you know it, skip the event. If you are committed to both training and completion, lace up your shoes and go for it.

Treat these events and associated training as a "truth detector." Learn to be painfully, 100% accurately truthful with you, your coach(es), training partners and all others. Commitment is the key. Can you juggle work, relationship, children, school, bills etc., with the time need for training? Be truthful and act accordingly.

For me, events are not just simple events. They are sacred journeys. Each event has taught me so much about self and dealing with others. I find them deeply inspirational, motivational and humbling. Most of all they are opportunities to find the better version of myself.

Follow the aforementioned guidelines and take the journey. You may be deeply surprised at what you will find.

* = To determine if fish oil is toxin free, place in freezer for 20 minutes. If at the end of this time, the gel is still pliable, you are fine. If frozen, toxins (probably metals) are present.

David Orman is a Wellness Entrepreneur, Expert and Educator. For more information, please go to http://www.hghplus.net/developer.htm

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Foods That Make You Smell Better

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Smelling great is important to most people-an obvious fact given the colossal amount of revenue made by the makers of soap, deodorant, and perfume. Body odor may also be an unpleasant fact, but some odors can be shut down by ingesting various foods and beverages. While a few odors produced by the body may be linked to an underlying health condition such as diabetes or liver disease, other odors can be attributed to an unbalance in the digestive system, not to mention a hardy regimen of exercise or a hot day.

In many instances, when the body's natural scent becomes soured, an issue in the digestion system may be the cause. Material that is not fully digested in the intestines can produce some odor that is radiated through and out the body. Foods that are difficult for the body to digest hang out longer in the digestive system and are likely to produce more sour-smelling bacteria than faster-digestive foods do. Regulating the digestive system is the first measure to take when trying to combat excessive body odor.

Water is extremely important to the body; it flushes out toxins and can decrease body odor while doing so. Drinking roughly eight glasses of water a day helps keep the digestive tract rolling, so foods don't have the chance to over-linger in the nooks and crannies of the intestines. Some physicians have recommended adding some lemon twists to the water as an added help along with a teaspoon (one a day) of chlorophyll, which is available at health food stores.

Eating a diet rich in yogurt can also help combat body odor. The live, active cultures in yogurt are regarded as good bacteria. The presence of good bacteria controls the presence of bad bacteria and provides an essential balance for the digestive system. Keep in mind, however, the snacks covered with yogurt and frozen yogurt do not contain living cultures, so they will not be helpful for eliminating bodily smells.

Raw vegetables and fruits can also help reduce body odor. These foods are good roughage that helps push everything in its path through the digestive tract. The key, however, is to eat vegetables and fruits raw since cooked foods may produce more odor during the digestive process. Therefore, snacking on apple slices and carrot sticks throughout the day can help tackle an odor problem from within unlike a new deodorant that merely covers up the underlying issue. Additionally, the fresh scent associated with citrus fruits is said to pervade the body when eaten.

Pumpkin and fennel seeds can also help to improve body odor. Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc and a zinc deficiency is typically associated with odor. Remember that too much zinc, on the other hand, can interfere with the absorption of other important minerals like copper, so it is better to get some zinc from a handful of pumpkin seeds as opposed to a supplement. Fennel seeds can be eaten to combat the post-meal smells associated with garlic and onions. Fennel tea also contains this natural deodorizing potential. Similarly, parsley helps neutralize the odors from garlic.

Finally, sage appears to be effective at fighting body odor whether it is ingested or applied topically. Sage tea, which should be avoided by women pregnant or when nursing, helps combat stress-induced odor, though experts recommend that it should not be ingested on a regular basis as it could cause dizziness or hot flashes. Sage can be mixed with rosemary and baking soda to form an effective guard against wetness and odor in the most commonly odorous parts of the body like the underarms.

Other foods and spices that can reduce offensive body odor include raw nuts, soy products, thyme, celery, and mint. These are just some foods that have been known to help eliminate body odor.

Of course, by eliminating some odor-causing foods or elements from your diet like fatty foods and caffeine, body odor can also be warded away. Fatty foods that are loaded with sugar and low in fiber can upset the pH balance of the intestines while caffeine increases the activity of sweat glands.

As we go about our daily lives, it will likely be difficult to avoid foods that may help cause body odor. Some of these foods will also be needed for a balanced diet. However, having an awareness of how diet can affect the way you smell will enable you to manage this issue and help deal with it more effectively.

Civil servant from the Philippine Foreign Service. Specializes in Protocol and served 3 Philippine Presidents as Presidential Protocol Officer. Had the opportunity to travel extensively as part of her work and the privilege of discovering and exploring new places, cultures and peoples. Also assigned along with her diplomat husband and son in Philippine Consulate General in Los Angeles and Philippine Embassy in Washington D.C. for 3 years and 3 and a half years, respectively.

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Are You Getting Better Results Every Single Session?

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There is no reason at all why you should not be improving with every session that you go train at the gym.

Saying this, how many people actually can say they improve at every session. Probably not many people at all. But that should be the case. You should always be improving.

Are you one of those people who go to the gym and say I am maintaining. What is maintaining? You are either progressing or your regressing. I don't care what anyone says if you have the attitude of maintaining you are regressing. You are taking one step forward only to take two back.

You started at the gym and it was hard work. Over time you got really good at your program but have not progressed since. Yes you had an initial progression but now you are regressing. You see although that program to begin with may have been doing the job. The intensity is just no longer there. You are not challenging your body and as a result the results will stop occurring and eventually you will start walking back down the hill to where you started.

There is a principle I came across about 6 years ago now. It's called Kaizen. This, I truly believe is the key to succeeding in all areas of our life's. It basically means small progressions that are constant and never end. The way that Donald trump becomes more successful is with every day before he goes to bed he asks himself what have I learnt today that I didn't know before.

So you're thinking, how does all this help me progress in the gym and get the body of my dreams? Well like I said KAIZEN is the key.

So let's look at how you can implement these small changes and improve in a constant never ending fashion.

Like anything in life you need to know where you're going. If you don't, you really do need to have a sit down and decide what it is that you really want to achieve. If you don't know where you're going how are you going to find it. I will tell you now your not.

So you know where you want to get to. You want to look the way you have been dreaming of.

So next stage, are you performing the actions and thoughts of the sort of person you want to become. If you want to become a certain type of person you have to think and act like that person. Do you think Mohammed Ali would have been the boxer he was if he hadn't fully believed he was the greatest. Not a chance. Remember this you are what you believe you are. If you believe you are destined to be fat then yes you will become a pig. Think like the person you want to be, act like the person you want to be, become the person you would like to be.

So let's get back to the training. You need to start a program which has a clear progression strategy that will eventually lead to the type of program someone with your dream body would be doing.

So how do you progress and when should you progress?

As I said before you need to know where you're going. Imagine your goal is to climb to the peak of Mount Everest. For the vast majority of us there is no way we can walk/ climb straight up to the top of the mountain it would be impossible and we would probably kill ourselves. Although if we went and learnt about the mountain, learnt to climb, got the right equipment gained sufficient fitness and planned how we would progress up each stage of the mountain. Could we climb that monster? Sure we could.

We just need to look at our goal which in this moment in time is not possible and break it down into smaller manageable pieces. These are your progressions. (By the way having a goal that doesn't straight away seem possible is a good thing we can all benefit from a challenge.) So we split our dream goal into manageable pieces. Here is how to use them now.

You want these manageable pieces to be small enough that each one is a separate session. So if your aim is to accomplish your goal within 3 months and your training 3 times a week you need approximately 36-40 small manageable pieces.

So let's say you're lifting 50kg on the bench press and you want to be lifting 100kg within 3 months. So you need to put an extra 50kg on the bar in the next 3 months that's pretty daunting, However if you divide that 50kg into 40 workouts. You are only adding just over a kilo per session. That not so daunting is it.

You see the key is set yourself small manageable goals that you know you will always achieve. Adding an extra 1kg to your bench is going to be a piece of cake. Every time you leave the gym you will be more of a success than you were when you walked in.

If everything you walked out of the gym you had achieved more and more always improving. What do you think that's going to do to your positivity, ambition and your keenness to keep achieving? I can tell you because I've done it. It makes you feel awesome. You really do feel like a winner, who wouldn't if they were forever achieving more and more.

So you may have no interest in getting better at bench press that doesn't matter as it's just an example. But basically whatever you do take the smallest action to benefit you with a positive result. If you ran 2miles, next time you run 3 miles kill yourself and the next time you cant progress that is not going to motivate you, however. If you did 2miles, then 2.5miles, then 3 miles and every session you progress like that you are seeing your self improve every session. This is the key, small improvements that never end.

Go start your journey to your dream destination, take one step at a time. These small steps will always get you there quicker than trying to leap/skip some of the progression and hit a stopping point.

To your success and achieving your desired dreams

Harry Pointon
Health Coach / Personal trainer / GAME CHANGER
Harry Pointon Personal Training

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Proper Care Is What You Body Is Craving

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Your body is begging you to help it feel and look good. Many times we totally ignore the signs and signals that our body is throwing up and we just keep doing what feels right for us at the moment. If you have been doing this you first off need to apologize to your body and then get back down to business and start treating your body like a friend instead of someone that you are using to get what you want.

The first thing that you need to do is make sure that your diet is on track. What are you eating? If you find yourself taking in a lot of junk food and empty calories, this is body abuse. Those who continue to do this to their bodies will find that they have weight and health problems. Even minor things can lead to things that are more serious so you need to pay careful attention to what you are putting into your body.

Another type of person is the person that doesn't give their body enough fuel. If you do not eat enough and eat enough of the right things then you will see pretty quickly that you are not going to be happy with the results that you get. You may lose weight for a while but you are going to look unhealthy. You need to make sure that you do things the correct way.

You also need to make sure that you take in enough water. Drinking water is important. If your body is dehydrated you may find that you give yourself more problems than you would have ever imagined you could have gotten. Drinking water will also cleanse your body and allow you to get rid of toxins that are plaguing your body.

Another thing that people neglect is sleep. If you are not getting the right amount of sleep then you will find that you can not function properly. Not only will you feel tired during the day but you will not be able to think properly. Your body's functions will not be performing at their optimal levels either.

Keeping yourself healthy is extremely important when you want to lose weight. Before you start shedding the pounds you are going to have to seriously look over what you have been doing to your body and how you can help your body be healthier.

You do not have to take a bunch of supplements or jump through hoops. These are very simple things that you can do to help your body and to begin to lose weight and get fit.

If you are serious and really want to get ripped fast the check out the Eat Stop Eat Review.

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Bone Injection Gun Manufacturers: All You Need To Know About BIG

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Bone injection guns (B.I.G) offered by bone injection gun manufacturers are automatic intraosseous infusion (IO) devices. These medical devices offer highly effective solution for the patients who cannot be treated with the traditional intravascular (IV) access. Based on an innovative injection system, these devices provide safe, easy and rapid intravascular access through the bone marrow of the patient.

The device is used to administer medications, fluids and blood products to patients who are in shock and whose veins cannot be found. The automatic spring-loaded infusion device operates on the basis of 'position and press' mechanism. The device is usually inserted in the upper tibia plateau of the patient.

These medical equipment offered by bone injection gun manufacturers provide an effective alternative for the unsuccessful intravenous access. These high-end IO devices can deliver fluids and medications within 60 seconds, under field conditions. B.I.G is the only intraosseous infusion device that has been studied thoroughly for more than four years. The IO device was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration following the examination of several x-ray reports, which confirmed that penetration of B.I.G causes no damage to the bones. Other FDA approved IO devices are Vidacare's battery-powered EZ-IO, the COOK IO needle, the Jamshidi 15G, Pyng's hand-powered FAST1 and FASTx.

This medical device can be used during emergency and elective medical procedures, for adults and children. This medical equipment is commonly used by doctors and paramedics while providing emergency medical services in hospitals, government agencies and secret services. These medical equipment has eliminated the requirement for Central Venous Catheter in several hospitals.

The device is also widely used by the US Armed Forces for providing immediate treatment to injured soldiers. Several medical studies suggest that the survival rates for serious field casualties depend largely on the immediate administration of drugs and fluids to stabilize shock. When every second is precious, delays in placing an intravenous line can prove fatal. B.I.G eliminates delays in intravascular access.

Few distinct features of these medical equipment offered by bone injection gun manufacturers are:

Avoid direct contact with the patient's blood

Suitable for blood transfusion

Establish intravascular access within less than one minute

Cause minimum pain while penetration

Minimize the risks of complications

Completely mechanical, eliminate the need for energy source

Very easy to use

Can be used by doctors, paramedics and nurses

Made from plastic and easily disposable

Bone injection guns offered by bone injection gun manufacturers have become a standard medical instrument in every medic and paramedic's bag.

Emma Heuton is a writer who writes on several topics. Mostly she writes on SME, Business, products and manufacturing units. To provide useful insights, she prefers to study comprehensively. You can also find information on bone injection gun manufacturers in this article but if looking for more information on it, you may visit http://www.hellotrade.com/.

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Aerobic Fitness Definition and Exercise Program

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Relax, Have a Coffee & Let's Define Aerobic Fitness

I have seen many search requests recently for a definition of aerobic fitness. You have asked:

What is the difference between aerobic fitness and aerobics?What is the role of aerobics and / or aerobic fitness in my fitness program?Can an aerobic fitness physical exercise program help me to burn the fat and lose weight?How do I build my personal in-home physical exercise program using aerobic fitness and how much time do I need to invest?

As a certified trainer and educator of both aerobics and fitness instructors, I believe that any exercise program I recommend should be based on existing - and proven - knowledge, safety and technique.

So please follow the list to ensure that we understand each other:

Fitness can be defined as a holistic feeling or state of wellbeing.

Physical fitness consists of many different body capabilities. The four most important are:


Fitness incorporates physical and mental health as well as emotional satisfaction and self-awareness.

The World Health Organization - WHO defines health in it's Constitution as «a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.»

All in all:
When body, mind and soul are in touch and our souls "fit" happily into our bodies - that's fitness!

AEROBIC is one of the most important physical fitness factors. It stems from Latin and means:

AERO = Air = OxygenBIC = Bio = Life

Any physical activity which requires increased oxygen intake is an Aerobic exercise - by definition.

Aerobic activity or exercise is therefore the same as cardiovascular (cardio) exercise as it:

increases cardiac capacitystrengthens the heart, body and lungsuses creatin phosphates, carbohydrates and fat as it's energy source (fuel), depending on intensity.Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise - Do You Need Both?

Yes, you certainly do need both aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

You need aerobic exercise - for fat burning, and anaerobic exercise for strengthening the cardiovascular system.

So both are required and together they form a large part of physical fitness.

Whether it's going for a walk, cycling, swimming, dancing or any other activity that increases your heart-rate, so you feel slightly out of breath.

That's what makes aerobic fitness great fun!

Why not try an aerobic fitness workout right now?

To achieve optimum health in a relatively short time I recommend twice weekly:

20 min. Aerobic Activity with your favourite workout music:
Use your own body weight - no extra weights required!20 min. Muscle Strength Training and Stretching:
Use these exercises - dips, pull-ups, squats, push - ups, ab curls and light hand weights for muscle isolation exercises e.g. bicep curls.Anaerobic Exercise - Let's Pump Iron!
Do and Do Not

Do Not Over-do It!Do: A Complete Program -
20 min. aerobic activity + 20 min. muscle strength and flexibility training = 40 minutes -
DVD IN SHAPE choreography meets these requirements.Do: Complete the program twice a week = 80 minutes.
That's not too much time to invest in your health and physical fitness, is it?Do: Twice a week x 40 minutes
My Aerobic Fitness DVD IN SHAPE will help you burn the fat and lose weight - you have my word!Do: Take just 80 minutes a week to get yourself and your muscles physically fit and toned.Do: Remember that the smaller the steps you take,
the more likely you are to safely achieve a great shape and feel fantastic.Do: Realize that with IN SHAPE you can split your total weekly workout time of 80 minutes
into 4 x 20 minute workout sessions - just alternate as you wish: Do: Get In Shape Today!Day 1 = 20 minutes aerobic exercise.Day 2 = 20 minutes muscle strengthening and flexibility training.Day 3 = 20 minutes aerobic exercise.Day 4 = 20 minutes muscle strengthening and flexibility training.Do: Enjoy your food by arranging set meal times during the day when you eat fresh fruit and vegetables,
starchy carbohydrates and plenty of protein.« What about my daily treats? », I can hear you thinking.
Do: Save them up for the time of day when you are most likely to enjoy them in peace.Do: Read the IN SHAPE - Buyers Feedback and Comments.Do Not: Wait any longer - get fit now with my DVD IN SHAPE with Tanja Baumann!Stay fit!

View the original article here

Become More of a Man



So you want to become more of a man lets look at what you need to do, what you need to avoid and how you need to use your body.

Did you know that the average man is not as much of a man as he should be? Due to decreasing testosterone levels and increasing dare I say the dreaded word estrogen.

When it comes to Men and women there is one main difference testosterone however this difference is gradually reducing and were turning into women. We need to stop this. Our mission is to become all man again.

It was testosterone that helped form your penis and scrotum when you were just a fetus and put those first awesome hairs on your chest as a teenager. You may not have thought about testosterone much since your voice cracked. But you should, a lot actually. Why, you ask? Well, ask yourself the following questions:

· Do you feel like your libido has been ebbing away?
· Has erectile dysfunction caused you embarrassment?
· Have you been carrying some extra pounds that won't go away?
· Do you often feel physically and mentally tired?
· Do you feel depressed and unhappy?
· Do you feel shiftless and lack drive?
· Do you wish you felt more like a man?

Testosterone is your miracle cure this is what you need to increase and become more of a man.

Testosterone what is it?

Well testosterone is part of the androgen group, it is the primary sex hormone. It is produced in the testes. Women do have it but men have 40-60 times more. It's the reason we get bigger muscles and organs than women usually. Testosterone is what gives you a beard and makes you feel like a man.

How will I benefit from testosterone??

Testosterone has been scientifically proven to:

· Improve your mental and physical energy
· Increase your competitive drive1
· Increase your muscle size and strength
· Increase your metabolism
· Help prevent Alzheimer's and dementia2
· Increase libido and erectile function

When you are born you have a certain level of testosterone and these levels reduce as you get older. It can be dangerous to have to much testosterone. However due to the modern environment and nutritional changes testosterone is decreasing faster than ever before.

You will have 20% less testosterone than someone from your dads generation, scary right?

Here's a list of what's reducing your testosterone

1) Stress increases are cortisol which decreases are testosterone

2) Not sleeping enough, testosterone rises as we sleep if your not sleeping at least 8 hours a night its not rising as much as it should.

3) Eating Soy based products that increase your estrogen (The female sex hormone) These also lower your sperm count, that's enough of a reason to never say the word soy again.

4) A low fat diet, get your good fats in trust me

5) Smoking and drinking (if you want manboobs and want to feel like a woman ... drink) Who ever said you're a man if you drink was a moron. Alcohol is estrogenic it turns you into a woman.


· Get at least 8 hours sleep a night
· Have time to chill out
· If you feel your getting stressed take time out and relax
· Drink tulsi tea
· Eat good fats like coconut oil brilliant stuff
· Eat animal protein and the fat
· Stay away from breast meat
· Eat lots of green vegetables LOTS
· Increased erections, have more sex
· Lift heavy weights
· Take magnesium, dim and zinc

So easy, go get it done

To your success

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Fitness Tip: How to Keep Fit with Scoliosis

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Let's Talk About Scoliosis

E-mail from Jennifer, Canada, 13 February 2004

I read in a book that you started training to help your scoliosis.I also have curvature of the spine in my mid-lower back and also a slight curve between the shoulder blades.I have noticed that there is more muscle on one side compensating for the curve.Are there any specific exercises that would improve the overall health and appearance of the back?

I can totally sympathize with your worries regarding compensation of certain muscle groups due to the slight curve in your spine.

My most important advice to you is to have a personal trainer regular check to ensure that you're using the correct technique during exercise.

When exercising, keep your shoulders level at all times and exercise with mirrors if possible.

Remember to change your shoulder from right to left regularly when carrying your handbag.

Even better: use a backpack!

Ensure good body alignment with regular abdominal exercise two to three times a week.

Remember: nobody's perfect.

Most people have a slight physical imbalance in particular parts of the body.

As long as you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, you'll be able to compensate for your problem area.

Contact your doctor or ask him to recommend a physiotherapist / personal trainer who could help you work on the weakest part of your back.

Main thing: keep on moving and enjoy it!

Not sure where or how to start getting in better shape?

Start at home with my coaching and guidance -
View the fitness facts about DVD IN SHAPE:

View the original article here

In the Grand Scheme of Things, Exercise Is Better Than Medicine!

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What is it about exercise that makes it better than medicine? Well, for starters you can enjoy it when you are well-who needs medicine when feeling great? Another reason is this: The company you share exercising is almost always more cheerful than those you meet when sick. Something about hospitals and other places where sick people hang out seems to take the joie de vivre out of people.

Another reason I prefer exercise to medicine concerns attire. I prefer any kind of exercise equipment (e.g., Speedo briefs for swimming, running shorts, bike outfits and so on) to the gowns with the string in back we're required to wear for medical tests and procedures.

I'm guessing you, too, prefer exercise to medicine. Who does not? Yet, far more engage with medicine, including getting medical care, than engage in exercise. How irrational is that?

The advantages of exercise and medicine seem pretty obvious to you and me. Yet, it is NOT obvious to large numbers of Americans. If it were, exercise would be so popular we'd have to take a number and wait your turn to jog or walk on public roadways.

Now the American Heart Institute (AHA) is pushing exercise as a medical treatment. The new slogan of some medical groups is that exercise is the best medicine. Exercise is great for health and exuberant living-no doubt about that. But, don't let them medicalize it. It is not a treatment, it's not a cure all and nobody needs a doctor to prescribe exercise.

Only 22 percent of Americans get enough exercise to have healthy hearts, says the AHA. About 54 percent of Americans don't exercise at all! This almost sounds suicidal. The Surgeon General considers minimal exercise as that which burns 150 calories a day, or 1,000 calories a week. This amount of burning requires a 150-pound person to exercise for only 30 to 45 minutes-that's all. Dreadful!

I don't like to dwell on risk factors. Still, if you know someone who just can't seem to appreciate the POSITIVE benefits of exercise, remind him or her of some of the NEGATIVE things that can be avoided by relying on exercise rather than medicine.

Exercise strengthens the muscle with the best work ethic in the human body, namely, the heart. Regular exercise that reaches a so-called "target heart rate"-that's 60 to 70 percent of maximal heart rate, makes that muscle beat more efficiently. It also strengthens arteries and improves blood circulation. A few thousand studies going back nearly to the Middle Ages show that regular exercise lowers the risk of needing medicine for heart disease by half. Of course, it also lowers blood pressure and overall cholesterol levels while raising the level of HDL, the high density "good" cholesterol that helps remove the harmful LDL, or "bad" low density cholesterol, in your arteries.

Exercise benefits people at risk for diabetes, both type one and two. It helps maintain proper glucose levels, helps prevent large blood vessel and heart (cardiovascular) disease and reduces the need for insulin for those who have either type of diabetes.

Exercise is great for managing weight and toning, firming and the like-and by avoiding the plague of obesity; you also reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. You have to "spend" (burn) more calories than you consume or you will gain weight. Most experts claim that regular exercise decreases appetite (I personally have never found that to be true) and increases metabolism (definitely true!), so you burn calories more efficiently.

Exercise is excellent for reducing the pain, inflammation and stiffness of arthritis. Exercise increases blood supply to muscles. It also improves joint flexibility and strengthens muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Exercise is known to reduce the risk and relieve the symptoms of clinical depression and anxiety. One study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reported that exercise improved mood after 16 weeks better than medicines, prescription antidepressants in particular. It does this by releasing endorphins and other brain chemicals that naturally improve mood while reducing pain.

As noted, these are just the negative good reasons why exercise is better than medicine, in my opinion. Don't you agree?

Look on the bright side and be well.

Publisher of the ARDELL WELLNESS REPORT (AWR) - a weekly electronic newsletter devoted to commentaries on current issues that affect personal and social well being from a quality of life perspective. The emphasis is on REAL wellness, which is also the topic of Don's latest book. Read about it here - https://www.createspace.com/3478226 - The "REAL" acronym reflects key issues embraced and advanced in Don's philosophy, namely, Reason, Exuberance, Athleticism and Liberty. Sample copy of Don's latest edition by request. If you like it, you can sign up - the price is right - free. Contact Don at awr.realwellness@gmail.com.

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5 Health Myths That You Need To Bust Now

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When it comes to health, the old saying "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing", is very true. There are some great health myths we cling to like lifeline, which in reality has no basis. So to make you more aware, here are some of those health myths we need to bust now:

1. You have to drink eight glasses of water every day: From your grandmother to the beauty websites, everyone implores you to eat eight glasses of water religiously every day. Yes, it is true that adequate amount of water is very important to our body for its proper functioning, but it is not necessary that it has to come from your glass of water! The juices that you drink and the vegetables/fruits that you eat also provide you with water. Even coffee, which is considered to dehydrate body actually provides water that is lost by our body. So the thumb rule is; you drink when you are thirsty and juices, tea, and milk can also be drunk for quenching your thirst. Remember, drinking too much water can lead to a fall in the sodium level in your body; which in turn can lead to electrolyte imbalance.

2. Don't read in poor light or you will need glasses: Again another myth that you must have heard since your childhood. How many times did your parents scold you for reading comics under the blanket with a torch or trying to read in the moonlight? Well, you can stop scolding your children in future or turn on a big light every time you need to read. What happens when you read in poor light is you squint your eyes and that, in the most, adds crow's feet! It also tires your eyes, but that can easily be overcome with a good night sleep. The same goes for watching television in low light!

3. Kids become hyper with sugar: Children who are very hyper are most often not given any kind of sugar products in the fear that it will make them more active. This is one myth that most parents adhere to but tests have shown that it is not true. But that does not mean you go ahead and give sugary treats to your children at free will; sugar leads to other problems like obesity and dental problems. So have them in moderation.

4. You need to have a bowl movement once every day: This is again another half truth everyone sincerely believes in. Many go the length of drinking laxatives every day to have a smooth bowel movement in the following morning. But doctors say that it is very normal for a healthy person to not have any movement in a day; alarm should be raised when it is three or less times a week.

5. Acne can be controlled by washing face regularly: Most teenagers who suffer from acne problem wash their face many times in a day to prevent a breakout. The fact is, acne is caused by effects of hormones (which are, unfortunately, on an overdrive at this age) on sebaceous glands. In fact, cleaning your face too much can lead to more acne as your body produces more oil to combat the drying up of your skin!

Being healthy is something everyone should aspire to. But don't let half-truths or myths guide your schedule for a healthy living.

For more information please visit our OSHA Training and First Aid Training websites.

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Warm Up and Cool Down Exercises for Inline Skating

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Warm Up & Cool Down Exercises for Inline Skating

Exercise Program for
Inline Skaters

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Tanja Baumann, the reigning world aerobic and fitness champion, has designed a warm up and cool down exercise program for inline skaters on behalf of «Brückenbauer Magazin».

You do not have to stretch as extremely as Tanja Baumann does in order to be fit for skating.

On the right of each exercise the illustration shows you just how simple and safe these exercises are to perform.

Warm Up Exercise 1 - March in PlaceMarch in Place
March in place for five to ten minutes before putting on your skating equipment - thus reducing the risk of injury.
Marching in place warms up your joints and gets your entire body ready for action;
Heart rate frequency and body temperture are increased to optimum levels.

Recommended exercise duration:
5 to 10 minutes.

Warm Up Exercise 2 - Stretch Legs & Hips Stretch Legs and Hips

To stretch your legs and hips:
First pull your right and then your left leg upwards against your buttocks and hold it firmly in place.
Stretching by bending and pulling your legs forwards reduces the risk of injuries and extends your radius of movement.

Recommended exercise duration:
10 to 20 seconds.

Warm Up Exercise 3 - Stretch Buttock and Rear Leg Muscles Stretch Buttock and Rear Leg Muscles
To stretch your buttock and rear leg muscles:
First stretch your right and then your left leg in front of you.
Place and support your hands on your - slightly-bent - support leg and bend forward,
until you feel the stretch.
This exercise stretches the buttock muscles and the rear leg musculature.

Recommended exercise duration:
10 to 20 seconds.

Stretch Chest and Upper BodyWarm Up Exercise 4 - Stretch Chest & Upper Body

Warm Up Exercise 5 - Weight Alignment Exercises
To stretch your chest and upper body:
First bend your right
and then your left arm,
and pull lightly to the rear.

Recommended exercise duration:
10 to 20 seconds.

Weight Alignment Exercises

Now put on your complete inline skating outfit.
Check that your shoes feel comfortable and are well fastened, then start the weight alignment exercises.
First take small steps only, then larger steps as you progress.
Finally, increase your speed.
Do not forget to breathe evenly at the same time.

Cool down exercises are required after you have completed your skating session.

To perform the cool down exercises, take off your inline skating outfit and repeat exercises 1 to 4.

However, this time you should carry out each exercise for a three times longer duration.

Not sure where or how to start getting in better shape?

Start at home with my coaching and guidance -
View the fitness facts about DVD IN SHAPE:

Concept, Text & Exercise Program: © Tanja Baumann | First published: © Brückenbauer No. 15, 13 April 1999, Journalist: Ruth Marending | Translation & Adaptation: John Aarsen

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Controversy Over the Slow Carb Diet



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Fitness Tip: Plenty of Movement - Your Training Program

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Fitness Tip by Tanja Baumann: Plenty of Movement - Your Training Program

Fitness Tips for a
Healthy Lifestyle

You now know what to eat plenty of, you have sworn off the booze and you are prepared to take action about your fitness level.

So let's talk about your training program.

Differentiate between endurance and strength training.

If you want a slim and shapely body, then you need to use and exercise your muscles.

Balanced nutrition and the avoidance of alcohol alone won't get you the result you're aiming for.

You will certainly lose some weight with a nutritious, non-alcoholic diet - but the problem is that you will lose both excess fat and muscle mass!

To achieve your fitness goal, Active training for fat burn is essential!

Never over do your training intensity and always:

Pause and hold at the end of every exercise movement.Train with a training buddy, especially if you're weight training, to help support you when necessary.

Start training on an Exercise Bicycle / Spinning, or try the StairMaster / Stepper in your local fitness studio.

This type of aerobic exercise is not only very beneficial to your cardiovascular system (Cardio-Training 1 and Cardio Training 2), but it's also lot's of fun!

Tanja Baumann - My Fitness Tip

If the atmosphere of a fitness gym or studio doesn't «quite fit» you, there's nothing to stop you from doing most strength exercises in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Always ask for information, without any obligation of course, from your aerobic or fitness studio before committing yourself to membership.

Many studios will offer you a try it out session free of charge, so you can see what it's like and whether the studio suits you.

Use these offers, so that you get an indication of your level of fitness and complete your whole body training exercises safely and correctly under the attentive eye and guidance of a professional fitness trainer.

Training for your personal well-being without any sports competition considerations?

Then you should train twice a week, one hour per training workout - maximum!

More time and exercise does not lead to better results in the beginning.

A « need for speed » is totally out of place in this respect.

If you are over-trained, you'll notice it very quickly:

A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body!

You feel weak and washed out, sleep badly and don't seem to have the power and energy to handle life's everyday events.

If that's happening to you, put on the brake immediately!

Spoil yourself with rest days and enjoy them, just as you do your training days.

I highly recommend Meditation exercises on rest days.

It was not written in vain that:
mens sana in corpore sano!

A Healthy Mind (Lives) in a Healthy Body!

Both mind and body are important if you want to be fit!

Not sure where or how to start getting in better shape?

Start at home with my coaching and guidance -
View the fitness facts about DVD IN SHAPE:

Text: © Tanja Baumann | First published: © Sport Inside Magazine No. 6, December/January 1997 | Photos: Coni Altherr | Translation & Adaptation: John Aarsen

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Muscle Strength versus Winter Fat - Fitness Equipment Test

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Muscle Strength versus
Winter Fat -
Fitness Equipment Test

Does regular exercise of the muscles - which results in optimum muscle strength - with home gym machines lead to a (permanent) reduction of winter fat levels?

In the ring - it's muscle strength versus winter fat in the fitness equipment test!

Don't you ask yourself when you see the TV advertisements for home fitness gym equipment whether they really are able to:

Deliver their usual claim - swift and permanent (winter) fat reduction, throughout the year?Make you fit and slim through regular use of their product(s)?

Glükspost did, and decided to check whether the advertised exercise machines were fit for purpose, they asked personal trainer Tanja Baumann to test the fat reduction effectiveness of five different fitness devices.

Why ask Tanja Baumann to Conduct the Test?

A resident of Wädenswil, near Zürich, Tanja is a two-time winner of the «World Champion Aerobic Fitness» title, including the millennium title «Miss Millennium Aerobic Fitness».

Today, the 27-year old personal trainer and fitness instructor works as a free lance fitness consultant, lectures on nutrition and health and conducts, among other things, fitness workouts and aerobic courses.

Tanja has more practical knowledge than anyone else about how to retain a slim figure, free of the fat rolls caused by the sumptuous meals which are part of the Christmas season.

The power-lady tested five fitness and exercise machines for Glükspost Magazine at the «Athleticum Gym» in Dietikon.

All the exercise equipment items tested are regularly advertised on TV and all of these training machines claim unbelievable fat-reduction and prevention benefits for buyers who use them.

It's an interesting, though not widely-known, fact that a healthy muscle structure is the biggest enemy of rolls of fatty tissue.

Tanja Baumann: «Many people just don't know that a muscle uses energy even when it's in a state of rest - as do all muscles.»

But the personal trainer strongly believes in the importance of combining two types of training:

«If you really want to reduce body fat levels or keep your waist trim and slim, the right answer is to combine strength training with endurance training.»

Naturally, the nutrition consultant considers a balanced meal plan to be an important part of any exercise and training program.

However, Tanja qualified: «This does not mean that it's always bad for you to have an occasional party with lots of food or sometimes sin against the meal plan rules.»

«Regular sport and physical exercise make it okay for you to grab some potato chips or protein-rich foods on occasion.»

In Tanja's judgment, the five fitness devices tested scored reasonably well.

However, it is very important that you use the your equipment regularly and correctly, especially with regard to your body posture when exercising.

The trainer recommends:

«For beginners, who usually don't have correct body posture (one of the results of lack of exercise), it would be preferable to attend an appropriate fitness gym workout or join an aerobic studio class.»«The correct body posture in everyday life or during sports activities is just as important as regular exercise to burn additional calories.»Fitness Equipment Test: TreadmillFitness Equipment Test:
ca. Fr. 3790,-,
«This treadmill has a wide range of training capabilities
and the speed and radius are adjustable.
Because you exercise your whole body,
the slimness and weight reduction benefits are self-evident.»

Score: Good!

Fitness Equipment Test: Core BoardFitness Equipment Test:
«Core Board»
Fr. 570,-.
«For endurance and equilibrium exercises, the core board is only suitable for users with an advanced level of fitness who need an alternative for their usual aerobic exercise routine.
It is not effective for body fat reduction and, if used incorrectly, can cause serious injury to the ligaments (ACL and PCL - anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament) in the knee.»

Score: Good - but use with caution!

Fitness Equipment: Home GymFitness Equipment:
«Home Gym»
ca. Fr. 1690,-.
«Virtually all muscle groups and individual muscles can be trained by using this home gym apparatus.
It creates a good base body posture and thereby helps to prevent possible injuries during your training routine.»

Score: Very good!

Fitness Equipment:
«Cross Trainer»
ca. Fr. 1790,-.
Fitness Equipment: Cross Trainer «The body is fully and completely exercised by the all-purpose cross trainer - and it's safe for the knee joints too.
The muscles exercised are the same as in cycling, but as it's a standing exercise, you train the arm muscles as well.
The calorie burn is enormous as your entire body is moving all the time.»

Score: Very good!

Fitness Equipment: Ab RollerFitness Equipment:
«Ab Roller»
Fr. 47,-.
«The ab roller is ideal for developing the muscles of the stomach.
But it does not specifically aim to burn fat.
Correct body posture is a pre-condition of using this device safely - not suitable for beginners.»

Score: Good - but use with caution!

Not sure where or how to start getting in better shape?

Start at home with my coaching and guidance -
View the fitness facts about DVD IN SHAPE:

Test Program: © Tanja Baumann | First published: © Glükspost N0. 1, 3 January 2002, Journalists: Peter Wäch & Nada Steimen, Photos: Gerry Ebner | Translation & Adaptation: John Aarsen

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The Health Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil

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Eucalyptus oils are typically found and sourced from Australia which is where eucalyptus trees grow in which this essential oil is extracted from. It has been suggested that Australian Aborigines were the first to discover this natural remedy and were known to have used it for a range of medicinal purposes including treatment for respiratory problems and muscle pain relief. Uses for eucalyptus oil are not only restricted to health and healing, but as an air freshener within the home, as a beauty treatment and an aromatherapy aid for maintaining general well being. Read on to discover how you can benefit from its numerous curative properties.

Respiratory Problems

Eucalyptus oil has proven very effective when dealing with respiratory problems such as congestion, asthma, and bronchitis because it contains strong anti-inflammatory and decongestant qualities.

*Simply apply a couple of drops on a cloth or handkerchief and inhale regularly. Alternatively you can add a few drops to your evening bath

Fever and Flu

Eucalyptus oil has been and is still widely used as a remedy to relieve fevers caused by infectious diseases. This essential oil also helps to improve lung function and reduce phlegm and therefore relieves symptoms and effects associated with the flu, common cold, and sinus infections.

*Make a cold compress and apply to the back of the neck, forehead, or chest. Be sure to only use a minimal amount as excess dose may cause a chilling sensation

Muscle Pain

Eucalyptus oil is a very common and popular form of massage treatment for relieving muscle pain and stress. This essential oil will help to soothe and alleviate stiffness, tense muscles, and even more serious conditions such as nerve pain and sprained ligaments. By massaging the oil directly on the problem area results in an almost instant relief.

*Using too much eucalyptus oil directly on the skin can cause irritation. Mix a few drops together with other massage oils before applying

For Hair

Eucalyptus oil can be massaged directly into the scalp to stimulate blood flow. This can help to prevent hair loss and promote new hair growth. Perhaps not the most common oil for hair, but it can still be beneficial.

If you want a more effective oil try something like almond, coconut, castor or olive oil for hair.

Mouth Wash

Eucalyptus oil contains strong germicidal qualities which help to fight off and kill bacteria. By using the oil on a daily basis it will prevent bacteria build up therefore preventing the formation of cavities while also keeping your mouth clean and odourless. Eucalyptus oil also provides relief for a sore throat by reducing irritation and discomfort.

*To use the oil as a gargling solution simply mix a few drops with warm water, gargle for a few minutes, spit out and rinse. Avoid swallowing.

Wounds and Bites

Eucalyptus oil contains powerful antiseptic qualities and for this reason is very effective for treating wounds, insect bites, stings, burns, and rashes. This essential oil has also proven to be very effective for use as an insect repellent.

* To treat the above conditions, apply a few drops of the oil to the bandage or dressing before covering the wound or effected area.


Eucalyptus oil acts as a nervous system stimulate which promotes concentration, enhances focus, and improves the ability to stay alert. This essential oil features a calming effect and helps to revitalise the mind, body, and soul. Eucalyptus contains rejuvenating qualities which help to relieve mental fatigue, tiredness, and lethargy.

*Apply a drop of eucalyptus oil to pulse points

Oils are one of the safest, most effective and natural ways to promote hair growth, prevent hair loss and generally improve hair health. To discover the top 10 best oils for hair growth hit the blue link.

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Cardiovascular (Cardio) Training, Exercise and Workouts 1

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F Yang  YinI   ActivePassiveT Conscious   SubconsciousN Right Side    Left SideE Masculine     FeminineS Day     NightS Intellect          Intuition

Heart / Cardiovascular
Heart / Cardiovascular (Cardio) Circulation System
(Cardio) Circulation System

The human body functions through the mind - Yang - and the spirit - Yin.

Physical fitness - "good condition" - is the result of a healthy balance of mind, body and spirit.

Mind + body + spirit = unity = a human being = a person.

To recognize, act upon and satisfy our individual human needs is the common goal of all people.

The way to achievement of our individual goals leads from inside ourselves - the mind & spirit - outward to the body.

Physical Condition and Body Fitness - Four Major Factors:

Endurance (stamina)StrengthFlexibilityCo-ordination

Cardiovascular Training, Exercise & Workouts - Why Should You Exercise?
Because cardiovascular training, exercise and workout goals benefit you in the following ways::

Maintain and increase the physical efficiency - capacity - of the heart / cardiovascular circulation system by improving endurance and energy levels.The goal of a strong and efficiently functioning heart / cardiovascular circulation system can be achieved by regular exercise and training sessions.The heart is the most important muscle in the human body - look after it and it will serve you well.
Muscles use ATP * Explanation (creatin phosphates)
during training & exercise

Moderate Aerobic Training = with Oxygen: Sufficient oxygen in the cardiovascular circulation system;Generates aerobic energy production;Training Result:
Energy consumption in the muscle cells of Carbohydrates and Fat reserves;Physical Result:
Reduction of muscle glucose (sugar) levels and fat reserves.Intensive Anaerobic Training = without Oxygen: Insufficient oxygen in the cardiovascular circulation system;Generates anaerobic energy production;Training Result:
Reduction of ATP reserves and secretion of lactic acid;Physical Result:
Too intensive a workout leads to muscle fatigue, acidification and an unplanned end to the exercise.* ATP is the prime energy source tapped during the first seconds of all physical activity.

To improve physical performance and condition through training and exercise, the body requires more oxygen and nutrients.An exercise program should be based on the current fitness level of the individual and structured to gradually improve endurance and energy levels through regular cardiovascular exercise and training.A regular program of cardiovascular exercise and training will improve the cycle of oxygen and nutrient transport to the working muscles of the body.Strengthening the heart through cardiovascular exercise and training results in heart muscle growth.A strong heart usually has a larger muscle volume which results in the ability to transport more blood through the cardiovascular circulation system.Larger heart muscle volume increases the blood storage capacity of the heart which results in less "pumping" - beating.The increased storage capacity (volume) of the heart results in larger quantities of blood per heart beat being transported throughout the body.At the same time, the heart muscle pumps - beats - less times per minute.Heart :: Increased efficiency - larger volume of oxygen-rich blood pumped through the body's circulation system which improves fat burn
Result = Reduction of fat levels in the body.Lungs :: Inhalation - increased air intake in the lungs when breathing in
Result = Reduction in rate of inhalation = Increased energy levels.Exhalation - decreased air volume in the lungs after breathing out
Result = Increased air intake when breathing in = Increased lung capacity.Blood Circulation :: Result = Improved blood circulation from the processing organs (heart and lungs) to and from the muscles being exercised.Body Composition :: Reduction of body fat levels
Result = Proportion of lean mass to fat mass = More lean mass (muscles, bones) = Improved physical condition.Muscles :: Result = Fat burn improved - both during and after training and exercise activity.Bones, Tendons and Ligaments :: Result = Improved function and flexibility = Wider range of motion.Nervous system :: Result = Increased activity efficiency.Secretion of "happy" hormones (Endorphines)Reduction of stress levelsActive recovery after long periods of concentrated mental activity (a lot of thinking work)Positive body self-image due to awareness of improvement and progress in physical fitness conditionPossible decrease of depression« A healthy mind in a healthy body »Cardiovascular Training, Exercise and Workouts 2 - Heart Rate and Workouts

Not sure where or how to start getting in better shape?

Start at home with my coaching and guidance -
View the fitness facts about DVD IN SHAPE:

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