What Is It That Takes The Biggest Heart To Do?
Labels: Biggest , Heart , Takes
Individuals with Down syndrome benefit from loving parents, early intervention and care, inclusive education and much needed medical care. Up to 50% of the individuals with Down syndrome have heart defects and can have up 12% gastrointestinal tract abnormalities present when born.
Some challenges that Down syndrome children face are poor muscle tone, excessive flexibility, short fingers and broad short hands. Each child has their own capabilities and talents. Each also has his or her own unique personality. Down syndrome babies can be normal size at birth but they tend to grow slower and remain smaller than most other children. There is usually a degree of mental retardation with Down syndrome.
Unfortunately there is no medical treatment to relieve or reverse this condition. But early medical intervention can help the child immensely. A medical team consisting of a pediatric cardiologist, a gastroenterologist and a developmental physician along with other specialists will need to be developed to serve the child's need as he grows. Medical intervention is best started when the child is in it's infancy.
Adoptive parents must be aware of all these factors that they will face when raising a child with Down syndrome. Patience is probably the most important virtue that a set of adoptive parents can have. That and a giant tub of LOVE is the major component needed when rearing and affected child. When raising a Down syndrome child, one parent needs to be home all the time. There may be some who might argue this, but I don't believe that a child with this condition should be left at a baby sitter's house no matter how good a sitter they might be. As the child grows he or she should be exposed to other children so as to develop some social skills.
Adopting a Down syndrome baby or child takes a special type of person, as the requirements of raising an affected child can be quite daunting. Adoptive parents need to understand that sometime in the future they are going to have to loosen the ropes and let the youngster reach their full potential. And that means allowing them to interact with some government agencies that can help the child who has reached young adulthood make their way in life. Many Down syndrome affected adults can hold down steady jobs and live on their own. This is quite common.
Should you consider adopting a baby or child with Down syndrome? Well you are the only one that really knows. But first, it would be a good idea to talk about the possibilities with your family members and get their take on the idea. Also you should spend some time in an educational setting observing Down syndrome children learning, playing and just see how you feel after that experience. It's always best to talk to some professionals in this area.
Good Luck and God Bless.
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