The Best First Aid Kits



Depending upon the particular situation you may find yourself in, having first aid kits around for different scenarios is never a bad idea. By being prepared, you can rest assured that in case of an accident, whatever it may be, you will be covered with all of the amenities, notions and care items needed. By knowing the various kits available on the market today, you can be sure to choose those that would best match the particular region you are in and the diverse hobbies and sports you and your family enjoy.

The first kind of first aid kit to consider is one that you put together yourself. The contents all depend on what you feel are necessary to cover any kind of accident or injury, including things like gauze and bandages. You may wish to include an over the counter pain reliever like Tylenol, an anti-inflammatory pill like Aspirin and some diarrhea relief tablets as well. Having gloves, scissors and other medic tools could also be useful. The beauty of this kind of kit is the contents are entirely up to you.

One of the best off the shelf first aid kits available today is a disaster kit. Most are built to sustain four adults for a time period of three days. Food and water is included with these kits, as well as solar blankets and a few basic tools. The contents of these kits are usually housed in a plastic bucket that can be turned into a toilet if need be. It is recommended, however, to replace the plastic bucket with a metal pot so you can use it to cook with or boil water. Another suggestion is to use thick garbage bags in lieu of the solar blankets as the bags are truly reusable.

For backpacking, the best kind of first aid kits to use are those that are lightweight. There are several different models that feature compact kits that include necessary items for an enjoyable hike. Irrigation syringes are included to help flush out any deep wounds while trauma pads, duct tape and safety pins all serve their purpose when needed. Another kit to consider having while out in nature is a boating pack. These kits contain everything needed to help heal wounds caused by being out at sea. Sea sickness and sunburns are just two kinds of injuries that can occur while on the water and a first aid kit to help with these ailments is always a good thing to have on hand.

Alexander Sutton applies his direct experience in the medical supplies industry to help nurses, doctors and medical professionals enjoy the safest and most comfortable working experience possible. For more information, please visit First Aid Kits.

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