Best 3 Stretching Exercises to Grow Taller

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There's no doubt that stretching exercises help in the struggle to grow taller. The best ones are a matter of what is right for the individual. Really there's no one size fits all.

What you need to do is stretch your spine; you can do simply by standing straight, holding your head out and jutting out your chin. You will immediately grow an inch or two, depending on your usual posture.

Probably the people with the best posture are ballet dancers, so you should take a look at some of the exercises they do to keep their perfect posture. These typically give the spine a workout as well as strengthening the leg muscles.

Although your main objective is growing taller naturally, you will also, by exercising, lose a few pounds and be fitter than before. Therefore it's all gain and only a little pain when you first begin your exercise program. Along with stretching exercises you could also cycle, or go swimming regularly. Alternatively you could do what boxers do and jump rope. Lifting weights can also help strengthen the spine and muscles, which could be stimulated into growth.

If you are under 24 years old, then to naturally grow taller, most of the above exercises will help along with a healthy calcium and vitamin rich diet. If you are over 24 then specific stretching exercises which target the spine will help.

One of the best stretching exercises is the simplest; have you ever watched a cat stretch? Try to copy the movement it makes. Go down on your hands and knees, with you arms locked into a stretch; breathe in and flex you spine down and bring your head up gradually. Breathe out as you bring your spine up to an arched position, while moving your head downwards. Keep this position for between 3 and 8 seconds and repeat as often as feels comfortable.

Another easy stretching exercise in answer to your quest for how to grow naturally taller is another simple one. Hang from a horizontal bar for 30 minutes per week. Do this for 5 minutes or so a day as part of your stretching program. This has been recommended by hakims (traditional medicine practitioners) in Pakistan for centuries. They say that you should combine this hanging exercise with eating lots of turnips (called 'the poor man's apple' in Pakistan) which are rich in calcium. These should be young, sweet turnips which can be eaten raw in a salad with dates and grated carrot. This is a healthy snack or side dish or even a light luncheon.

Finally try a slightly harder exercise; you have to lay down with your knees up and tucked in behind your butt. Hold on to your ankles if you can, or use your arms placed at your sides for leverage. If you can hold your ankles do so while you raise your spine into an arch so that your shoulders and head and feet only are on the floor, If you can only use your arms, maneuver yourself into the same basic position with your arms remaining on the floor. This is a great way to grow taller naturally.

Should all these exercises to grow taller fail, remember that it is your personality that should count with other people, not your looks. After all, Napoleon Bonaparte was short and he became Emperor, and Dustin Hoffman and Al Pacino don't seem to care about being shorter than the average male. Cultivate your personality and be happy with yourself to be more attractive and confident.

Knowing how to do special exercises to increase your height can really boost your confidence and health. To find out more about how to naturally grow taller, go to:

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