Become More of a Man
Labels: Become
So you want to become more of a man lets look at what you need to do, what you need to avoid and how you need to use your body.
Did you know that the average man is not as much of a man as he should be? Due to decreasing testosterone levels and increasing dare I say the dreaded word estrogen.
When it comes to Men and women there is one main difference testosterone however this difference is gradually reducing and were turning into women. We need to stop this. Our mission is to become all man again.
It was testosterone that helped form your penis and scrotum when you were just a fetus and put those first awesome hairs on your chest as a teenager. You may not have thought about testosterone much since your voice cracked. But you should, a lot actually. Why, you ask? Well, ask yourself the following questions:
· Do you feel like your libido has been ebbing away?
· Has erectile dysfunction caused you embarrassment?
· Have you been carrying some extra pounds that won't go away?
· Do you often feel physically and mentally tired?
· Do you feel depressed and unhappy?
· Do you feel shiftless and lack drive?
· Do you wish you felt more like a man?
Testosterone is your miracle cure this is what you need to increase and become more of a man.
Testosterone what is it?
Well testosterone is part of the androgen group, it is the primary sex hormone. It is produced in the testes. Women do have it but men have 40-60 times more. It's the reason we get bigger muscles and organs than women usually. Testosterone is what gives you a beard and makes you feel like a man.
How will I benefit from testosterone??
Testosterone has been scientifically proven to:
· Improve your mental and physical energy
· Increase your competitive drive1
· Increase your muscle size and strength
· Increase your metabolism
· Help prevent Alzheimer's and dementia2
· Increase libido and erectile function
When you are born you have a certain level of testosterone and these levels reduce as you get older. It can be dangerous to have to much testosterone. However due to the modern environment and nutritional changes testosterone is decreasing faster than ever before.
You will have 20% less testosterone than someone from your dads generation, scary right?
Here's a list of what's reducing your testosterone
1) Stress increases are cortisol which decreases are testosterone
2) Not sleeping enough, testosterone rises as we sleep if your not sleeping at least 8 hours a night its not rising as much as it should.
3) Eating Soy based products that increase your estrogen (The female sex hormone) These also lower your sperm count, that's enough of a reason to never say the word soy again.
4) A low fat diet, get your good fats in trust me
5) Smoking and drinking (if you want manboobs and want to feel like a woman ... drink) Who ever said you're a man if you drink was a moron. Alcohol is estrogenic it turns you into a woman.
· Get at least 8 hours sleep a night
· Have time to chill out
· If you feel your getting stressed take time out and relax
· Drink tulsi tea
· Eat good fats like coconut oil brilliant stuff
· Eat animal protein and the fat
· Stay away from breast meat
· Eat lots of green vegetables LOTS
· Increased erections, have more sex
· Lift heavy weights
· Take magnesium, dim and zinc
So easy, go get it done
To your success
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