My Journey From Being Reactive to Proactive

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At 43 years old, I have had my share of health issues. I am very fortunate to have great health insurance and with that the ability to seek excellent medical care. However, I realized it isn't a health care system. We live in what I like to call "sick care".

Many of us run to the doctor for the quick fix. I want to empower others to take control of their health and wellness and get people on a path of being proactive instead of reactive.

For most of my life, I have suffered with stomach issues. They were more inconvenient than life threatening. However, after the birth of my second child they became more significant and more constant. It was about 1 month after my daughter was born that I was in terrible pain and it sent me straight to the doctor. He took a health assessment and listened as I told him my issues seemed to be triggered by certain foods. He ordered a lactose intolerance test as a starting point. It was negative and he sent me on my way.

My issues continued with periodic visits to different doctors and multiple invasive tests including a colonoscopy when I was 32. Still they had no answers. I was told I had irritable bowel and there wasn't much they could do for me short of putting me on some synthetic drug. Fortunately, I decided to stop reacting and get proactive on my own behalf. I decided, since it seemed food related, to visit with a nutritionist. This was the starting point of my journey of being proactive instead of reactive.

As a sat in his office, feeling a bit frustrated and vulnerable at the same time, I was immediately put at ease when he started asking me questions. I realized he was taking a whole body approach. He recognized some traits in my personality that were red flags to him, as well as, focused on certain foods that seemed to be an issue. He heard what I was saying and wasn't looking to band-aide my condition. He wanted to find the cause of my discomfort. He suggested an alternative test that would change my life. He said I was showing classic signs of delayed food sensitivities. He was working with a lab that did alternative tests in the mindset of being preventive in nature. I was finally at the right place and was about to get answers.

About 3 weeks later, after having a simple blood test, I was told I had delayed reactions to dairy, eggs, chocolate, soy, brewers yeast and casein (a protein in dairy). Breakfast was making me sick every day. Once these foods were eliminated, my stomach issues were a thing of the past. I was finally pain free.

The point is this doctor introduced me to a new way of thinking. Why don't we try to prevent getting sick in the first place. I started sharing the information with friends. When we find something that helps us we share by nature. One friend really listened and today she and I have partnered with a health and wellness company who will lead the healthcare revolution. Did I mention, my doctor is my full partner as well? It is amazing how something good came out of years of discomfort. I want to lead others to this life changing information. Our motto is "Don't guess Do the Test!"

Allow me to enlighten you and those you are in touch with. People helping other people. That has a beautiful ring to it.

Feel free to email me for more information at

In good health,

Diane Ram

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